My Uncle Owned An HVAC Company

Now that I am getting older I am starting to think more completely about things that I knew before but never really thought through when I was younger.

  • It is like life is slowing down enough for me to really look at it, or something.

For example, I always sort of knew that my uncle’s job was that he owned his own HVAC company, and that the main business they did was cleaning ductwork. But I never gave it really any thought. But in the last years I started talking to him sometimes about serious things. This included me getting him to tell me how he got into his business. He told me that he first started out tagging along with a friend of his who was an HVAC contractor. He sort of became an apprentice. He saw firsthand most everything related to the industry. Eventually he himself worked directly for an HVAC company. He did a lot of HVAC installation with them, he said. He wasn’t sure, looking back, if it was the right decision, but he said he knew it wasn’t the wrong decision when he decided to start his own company, that he focused on ductwork. Ductwork cleaning became his company specialty. I sort of knew that when I was younger, but again I never really thought about it. Now that I am older, I see that he probably came up with a pretty good idea for his business. What is more he is thinking about expanding and working on aircraft ductwork. Obviously air quality in planes is a huge issue, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my uncle came up with something good.

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