How often should I change my furnace filter

While it might not be necessary to install a new filter every month, it’s not a good idea to ever wait longer than three months.

I live in the northeastern part of the country and the furnace runs for more than half the year. I know that to keep the heating system working at peak efficiency, it’s important to regularly change the air filter. The filter is vital to operation and helps to protect the equipment from dust and other particulate. According to the US Department of Energy, replacing the air filter can improve system efficiency by up to 15%. A clean filter allows the the maximum amount of air to pass through the system, reducing running times. If the furnace doesn’t need to work as hard, there’s reduced wear and tear and less chance of malfunction. The heating equipment will use less energy and not cost as much to operate. A polluted filter can even shorten the lifespan of the furnace. Once the filter becomes clogged, it will no longer trap contaminants, allowing them to enter the breathing air and negatively impact indoor air quality. Coughing, sneezing, sore throat, headaches, respiratory infection and aggravated symptoms of asthma and allergy are some of the many consequences. I was wondering how often I should replace the air filter for the best results. I’ve read up on the subject and learned that a lot of factors impact the recommended frequency. Occupancy of the home, pets, style of air filter and activities all play a part. While it might not be necessary to install a new filter every month, it’s not a good idea to ever wait longer than three months. An easy rule to follow is to change the filter before the start of every new season. I also make sure to check the filter frequently. If it looks dirty, I change it.


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