Getting focused on my career in HVAC

This is sort of embarrassing to admit, but I was involved in a vending machine accident when I was in high school.

This was a while back, you have to keep in mind, almost 20 years ago, and vending machine technology was not where it is today.

This was a soda machine, I won’t specify the brand name because of possible lawsuits, and I had the bright idea to snake my arm up inside it and snatch some free cans of soda pop. Long story short I got stuck, and jerking around trying to free myself broke my arm in 3 places. At the time I had an internship with a local HVAC contractor, but I had to step down from that to heal up. At the time I was learning how to install ductwork, air vents, and everything else involving ventilation systems. I had not yet gotten around to learning about the furnace, or the incredibly complicated inner workings of the air conditioner. My boss told me to start simple, to crawl before I walked, and study the basics of ventilation and air flow. Well, I was on the shelf for 3 months but I was encouraged to keep studying HVAC systems by reading manuals. I even went to work a couple of times a week just to observe the ductwork installation. I could have very easily gotten off track because of my injury, but it only made me realize how important this HVAC job was to me. After 3 months of studying HVAC manuals, and I came back better than ever.

heating business