Fixing the ventilation system in the old jail

Sometimes you have to go where the job takes you, that’s what my old man always used to say.

He was a salesman, so he was on the road for at least 3 weeks out of every month, sometimes I would only see him for a day or two.

He didn’t seem to enjoy being gone so much, but felt resigned to it, as if he had no choice in the matter. Sometimes you just got to do what the job wants and go where you have to go, he would always say. And I guess to some degree he was right, because my HVAC job just sent me into the depths of a jail. I have never been to jail before, was planning on never going, but the place needed new ductwork and we are the top company in the area. Once we got down there we found the air ducts and vents were all older than we were, and we ain’t that young. Neither me or the boss wanted to be down in the dampness longer than we had to, but the more we looked the more ventilation work we found that was direly needed. This was going to end up being the biggest ventilation job the company had ever taken on, but it required us to spend a whole week underneath the jail. It was a no brainer, even if the setting was creepy, this was a huge payday for the HVAC company, which meant a big payday for me, as well. Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to jail I go.


air quality