Allergies are killing me from inside the house

People are often confused when I tell them how much time I spend Outdoors.

I am a fan of Nature and I try to be among the trees as often as I possibly can.

A lot of this is for my mental and physical health. My brain is much happier when I’m out in the woods, away from other human beings. On the other hand, my body is much stronger and more fit when I am regularly outside moving around without a care in my head. To be fair… My lungs also benefit enormously from being outdoors. Most people are puzzled when I tell them that I have terrible allergies, but they are all restricted to indoor environments. I honestly don’t have any issues with grass, pollen, or other plant allergies. But I am extremely sensitive when it comes to all sorts of indoor allergens. If we are talkin dust, I am going to cough my lungs out until I can’t breathe again. If we are in the realm of mold, I might as well chop off my own head before I get the migraine that will put me in bed for a week. And if anybody happens to have pet fur or dander floating around, forget it… I might as well just go to the emergency room right now. With all of these indoor allergy problems, it’s extremely challenging for me in the winter and summer months when the outdoor climate is less than ideal. I find myself pumped full of allergy medicine, routinely going to the doctor for respiratory infections, and calling the heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shop all the time for their special HEPA air filters. This year, I’m upgrading to a media air purifier before winter hits – hopefully a little HVAC can help me live again.

Geothermal heat pump