Surprise parties are always fun

When I was contacted about a surprise party for my neighbor Lisa, I was absolutely excited about it.

I was not able to remember the last time I was absolutely at a surprise party, however they sure are a lot of fun! Usually whomever is surprised has an absolutely happy look on their face and goes to talk to everybody.

Well, there were a lot of us and it was absolutely dark in the lake house because we made the choice to have Tony cut the switch to the breaker box. I realize this was kind of a dumb idea due to the fact that the A/C program quit now working and it was getting pretty boiling inside and the air quality was becoming poor, then both of us were all just waiting there in the dark with our drinks in hand and our confetti bombs, however this was all going on while we had Tony at the breaker box getting ready to switch the power back on for the lights and rock n roll. When we finally got news that Lisa was on the way soon, we got ready for the initial shock! The moment that she opened the door and fumbled with the light switch that wasn’t working any longer, abruptly the breaker was flipped and all the power came on as we all screamed surprise and blasted off our confetti bombs! Lisa was so overwhelmed and had a very scared look on her face before she passed out. I guess it was just too much for her with everything turning on at the exact same time, including loud rock n roll, a bunch of people shouting, and confetti bombs going off, then she clearly was surprised, but she could have been super damaged. Both of us called her on a lounger that was directly under a single of the Heating, Ventilation and A/C vents and got her a drink while giving her some room to get some air. When she finally came to, she said that we should never do that to her, but she was happy to see everybody and we had a great time.

radiant heater