Supportive words help, however a current Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system would be better

I can tell you, I am almost consistently overwhelmed.

However, I would not change it for the world.

For the past year I have been pouring my heart into a undoubtedly important project that aims to support complex trauma sufferers. If you’re not familiar, complex trauma is childhood PTSD. I have created a lot of resources for my audience & the reception has been undoubtedly good. I acquire kind words from my listeners all the timeā€¦ but I wish that I could acquire a little currency for my heating, cooling, & air quality control system right about now. You see, for the past 6 months my temperature control devices have been taking a turn for the worst. They have all been making odd sounds & my indoor air temperature has been fluctuating with uneven tepid & cold patches more often than I would like to admit. I am correctly calling the heating, cooling, & air quality control maintenance shop for professional maintenance services. However, my Heating, Ventilation, & A/C worker has warned me that I easily need to update my boiler & a/c sooner rather than later. I have mentioned how stressful this air quality control issue has become multiple times on my podcast. My listeners are undoubtedly sympathetic & they often write supportive words to me, wishing me all the best with my heating & cooling drama. I honestly love all of the love, care, & support that they offer… But I would also accept a few dollars for my professional central heating, cooling, & air quality control system installation updatement.


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