Fever makes it so that I cannot get comfortable

I have been feeling like I have really low energy lately.

However, I didn’t know that I was actually sick until I realized how much colder I felt than my roommates .

I could not get warm no matter how many blankets I piled on top of me. I just kept getting up to turn off the air conditioner. But then, of course, someone would turn it back on. After a few arguments, I discovered that I was out of voted on the temperature: everyone else wanted air conditioning. That’s what I knew I must really be very sick. I tried to find a thermometer but was not successful in doing so. So I decided to just tough it out with some over-the-counter medications. I also went into my room and closed off the air conditioner vents and turned on the little space heater I have in my room. Then I sat in front of it. The warm air felt so good and I was finally able to fall asleep. But then I woke up an hour later and was incredibly hot. I had to turn off the heater and strip down to my bra and panties before going back out into the living room and enjoying the air conditioning once again. I got some weird looks for my roommates but that didn’t bother me. I think they started to realize I was actually sick. This went on all night. I would be freezing cold one minute and need the space heater and blankets. Then I would be super hot and need the chilled air. Thankfully my fever broke sometime in the morning. Now I am finally able to relax with the regular air settings.

Heating system