My fever makes the temperature really uncomfortable

I’ve had a lot of low energy lately, and I didn’t think I was absolutely sick until I realized how much chillier I felt than my roomies! I could not keep my body warm no matter how many blankets I layered on top of me.

I just kept getting up to switch off the cooling system.

Of course, one of my roomies would turn it back on. After a few disagreements, I discovered that I was in the minority on the temperature of our apartment, because everyone else wanted the AC running. That’s what I knew I was really sick. I attempted to find a thermometer in my room, but I was not successful. So, I decided to just stick it out with some over-the-counter medications I had on hand. I also went into my room and closed off the cooling system vent, and turned on my little area furnace. I sat in front of the furnace until I was finally able to go to sleep. A few hours later, I woke up and was incredibly hot. I had to turn off my furnace and strip off some layers before going back into the living room with the a/c once again. I got some crazy looks from my roommates, but that didn’t concern me. I guess they started to realize how sick I was. This went on all evening long. I’d be freezing shivering one minute and in need the area furnace plus blankets. Then, I’d be sweating and needing the chilled air conditioning. Thankfully, my fever broke sometime in the early morning; Now I can finally relax with the regular air settings.

Cooling install