Finally purchasing a new HVAC unit

I bought a house with a heating and cooling system that was already several years old.

I was determined to get at least seven more years out of it.

I took great care of it, so It did last that long. However, by the eighth year, it was clear it was time for a HVAC replacement. To begin talking about what kind of brand new system I might be interested in, I called a local company. I have been saving considerable money in anticipation of having to replace my old system. I was more than ready to get a new one that I intended to have for more than 15 years! I knew I was staying put in this house. I was taking good care of the household, but it’s in a good section of the city and I’ve come to appreciate my property. I was happy when the HVAC supplier mentioned that technology has greatly improved in the past decade. We were looking at tempting offers for several systems that provided a variety of perks and benefits. I ultimately settled on a heat pump system, mostly because it takes care of heating and cooling, and is quite efficient and lasts for a long time! Once I settled on the system that was right from my house, the supplier had to do the usual measurements and determine whether or not my air duct needed to be replaced as well. I was relieved it did not need to be replaced!
Smart thermostat