Dog has heat seizures

Even with my indoor cooling system running at maximum power, my dog was consistently having problems… Now, I am considering upgrading my entire heating, cooling, and air quality control system..

I’m always amazed with how complicated life can get. I swear to God, I have gotten nothing accomplished this week because there have been so several unpredictable events raining down on me. I can tell you, having oppressive summer time heat did not help anything while I was trying to run errands and take care of things around the house. Unluckyly, it turns out that my house is extremely inefficient when it comes to managing the indoor air temperature as opposed to the extremely tepid and humid temperature my pal and I live in. I do not know I ever noticed how several tepid and frosty patches existed around the house. How several uneven temperatures there were from room to room. Or how strenuous the central heating, cooling, and air quality control system had to work on a regular basis. Honestly, I was always fine with my cooling system and control unit. I had enough frosty air and I really did not worry much about my temperature control or humidity regulation, but and then… I adopted an extremely needy dog, and who obviously needs extremely high-powered air conditioner. I have found this out the strenuous way this week, after he began experiencing seizures from the heat. Even with my indoor cooling system running at maximum power, my dog was consistently having problems… Now, I am considering upgrading my entire heating, cooling, and air quality control system… Or obviously moving to Canada for a naturally cool temperature. One way or another, it seems like ice frosty air is in my future for the sake of my troubled buddy.


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