Water cooled chillers are great because they can be used indoors in your facility

My region gets blasted with heavy thunderstorms while every one of us were in the tail end of the summer time every year.

Almost every afternoon sees rain showers, however sometimes the acsuppliering storms are just a small lull without any additional fan fare. Other afternoons every one of us get blistering lightning strikes and thunder that sounds and feels love it’s shaking your building. I own a small CNC machining supplier. CNC stands for laptop numerical code, which almost sounds arcane without proper context. It’s not as complicated as it sounds—you have powerful laptops hooked up to machines that split and mold metal and plastic. The cuts and shaping is so precise that you can effectively make narrow and small components for special device and have each component exactly the same size as the last. You provide the laptop a model to work with, and they take the raw material and split it down to fractions of a millimeter. This technology has been a gamechanger for several manufacturers. My facility wasn’t cheap, so protecting our device from our region’s thunderstorms is important. After our air cooled chiller was damaged by a falling tree, I decided to invest in a water cooled chiller that I could install indoors. Instead of needing circulated outdoor air to cool the chiller’s warm compressor, it uses some of the chilled water to cool the machine itself. They’re amazing machines however they are not cheap. If you don’t want your rare chiller standing outdoors and subject to the elements, a water cooled chiller might be your only option. For dealers love mine who use metal machining device that gets harshly warm as you operate it, having a strong chiller is a necessity.



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