Someday I wish to own a house with a geothermal heat pump

Every now and then I like to dream about my future dream home. Since I live in a cramped studio apartment, I don’t have space for recreation equipment, pool tables, or large entertainment systems. I hope that someday I’ll make enough money where I can afford to buy or build a house with all of the luxuries that fill my dreams. I want a swimming pool in the back and a small workout area filling one half of a two-car garage. I’d also love to have marble countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms. There would also be a huge entertainment center in the living room with a 60 inch television set and a surround sound speaker system. But I also dream about more practical accoutrements as well. I want solar panels on my roof that I can use to supplement my home’s electrical system. Hopefully this would lead to more energy independence and efficiency. I would also love to avoid using traditional air conditioners in favor of a geothermal heat pump. They harvest energy from underground to use for indoor heating and cooling. Although they cost over $10,000 to install, they’re the most energy efficient HVAC systems on the market. As far as heating and cooling for a residential home is concerned, you can’t get a better system than a geothermal heat pump. In the future we will see more of these devices in my peoples’ homes. When I asked my work colleagues, none of them had even heard of a geothermal heat pump, let alone know how one works.
