My modern air purifier

I just don’t like particular aspects of our personality. This must be a fantastic thing that I am acutely aware of our shortcomings right? First, I can be the most finicky lady you would ever want to meet. One of the greatest things that I am so identifiable about is the air inside our home. The two of us live in a place where the heat is a near constant concern. So, our beach beach house is sealed up tight to keep the Heating, Ventilation & A/C treated air inside. The negative of this set of circumstances is the fact that the air in our beach beach house gets recycled over & over. I can’t open the windows for fresh air as that would allow all the Heating, Ventilation & A/C treated air to just rush outside. The cooking & pet smells never particularly get out of the air. The rest of our family thinks I’m deranged but, I can smell it & I don’t love it. There have been all sorts of attempts to mask the odor with a litany of deodorizers. They help for about 5 minutes before I am smelling the same stale air that seems to haunt me. This was driving me so deranged that I was particularly complaining far more than normal. My spouse finally took action. She called the local Heating, Ventilation & A/C company to find a solution to the stale, dank air in our home. Before I knew it, that complication was resolved. The Heating, Ventilation & A/C people came to the beach house & installed a whole beach house media air cleaner in the air handler. This thing kills all contaminants so now the air in our beach beach house smells grand.



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