I am having lots of allergy issues this year

This year, my allergies seem to be worse than they ever were before.

I’ve always had problems during the spring and the fall with sneezing and itching, but this year it is absolutely driving me nuts.

I have taken so much different allergy medication that I’ve been bouncing off the walls of my house. Well, I finally went to the doctor yesterday and he told me that I should try something that I never really thought about before. He mentioned that sometimes when allergy medications won’t work, it might be something in your home that is causing the problems. I never really thought of that. I always assumed that it was something in the environment. When I got home from the appointment with the doctor, I immediately called up my local heating and cooling company to see what they had to say about it. The HVAC technician that I spoke with said that he would suggest that we get our ductwork professionally cleaned. He also said that it would be a good idea to get special anti allergen air filters to put in our HVAC system. The last thing he mentioned was something called a whole home air purification system. I think that actually might be what I end up getting for our house. Even though it’s probably the most expensive thing that he mentioned, if it works then it will totally be worth it! I don’t know why I never thought about getting a whole home air purification system before. Now that he’s mentioned it, it makes total sense to me.

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