Keeping our house healthy with whole house air purifier

As with most people during this pandemic, my mind frequently turns to the health of myself and my family. Of course, like most other people, we are doing whatever we can to avoid the virus or stop the spread if we are asymptomatic. My wife has resumed working in a retail shop. They have gone out of there way to be sure the air filtration in the HVAC is doing all it can to provide a safe environment. My work is being done from home in the comfort of our excellent HVAC. However, once I heard about my wife’s company installing new air filtration in their HVAC, it got me to thinking. Working from home, which it looks like I may be doing from now on, means lots of time inside my home. I had never really given the indoor air quality much thought. In fact, the only time I thought of the indoor air quality is when cooking or pet smells hung in the air too long. However, with the pandemic surging, I wanted to do all I could to protect and improve the air in our home. The HEPA air filters are a great place to start and I’m very thankful this is being done at my wife’s workplace. Yet, I really wanted something that was a bit more proactive. The HVAC company we use provided the solution. We are having a whole house air purifier put in this week. This air purifier will go in the HVAC air handler and use high intensity UV light to actively destroy the DNA of hazardous air contaminants that could effect our health.


Dial thermostat