Heating and cooling trouble at a bakery

My neighbor owns a small bakery.

I like to stop by at least a couple times a week, sometimes on my lunch hour or on the weekend.

Business is pretty brisk for her. Customers cherish the unique pastries that she makes along with her three employees, but lately she’s been telling me that she’s having trouble with one aspect of the job. Sporadically, it gets extremely hot in the bakery, and in order to keep confectionery items from melting or otherwise not coming out quite the way she wants them to, she has to blast the cooling system. This is undoubtedly raising utility bills. She also needs to get proper service on the HVAC component, because it needs to remain clean to prevent the air quality from going downhill. She definitely would not want to have moldy or mildew blowing on her cakes or pies! We were there discussing this one day when I realized there may be a straight-forward solution. Should she supplement the air conditioning component by strategically placing fans in particular parts of the bakery, to keep the air circulation going? It would also prevent her confections from spoiling. She was kind of embarrassed that she never thought of that, but that is what friends are for – two heads are better than one! She even baked me a cake, just for giving her a straight-forward idea. I hear the solution is working pretty good. Maybe she won’t have to pay so much for air conditioning now.


Air conditioner install