Keeping the air moving in my residence

I like to keep the air moving in the residence or it gets stagnant plus musty in here.

I also like to run the dehumidifier on the main Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine because the humidity can get pretty high in this flat if not plus it can be a breeding ground for all types of mold plus mildew.

I suppose it feels a lot cooler too when I run the machine, so I end up killing numerous birds with one stone. I’m trying my best not to run the main air conditioner machine unless I actually need it because it costs a huge amount of money to run. My last power bill over a monthly period was over half of my rent cost, which is crazy because I actually didn’t even run the AC machine that much in those numerous weeks. I honestly hope the power companies get a grip on these utility bills or I will have to transport to a smaller residence with a bunch of flatmates, plus I don’t want to live that way again like I did many years ago. I have a Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine specialist friend who may want to transport in, it mainly depends on whether she gets a raise at the heating corp where she works. I can handle one flatmate no issue whatsoever, plus if it is someone I know then all the better. We get along pretty well plus have been actually working at the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine company for a few years now plus I suppose we would make good roommates with one another. I’m going to go plus get started with my robot vacuum cleaner as soon as I wash the HEPA filter in it.

new hvac systems