Renting a boiler proved to be a better financial move

Renting a boiler system has been one of the smartest things I have ever done.

Because of the current social climate, certain businesses are closing their doors for the time being. My business is in the rare category that actually is doing very well. My customer base is nearly double what it was a year ago. I have so many more orders coming, products needing to be stored and new employees hired. I recently found that the increase in all of these elements means I needed to up the size of my building. I had the money and I recently made my facility almost two times bigger. Well, I didn’t take into consideration that my commercial boiler can’t handle the size of my facility now. I am just not getting the steam power that I want. I had to look into buying a new commercial boiler. The pricing on purchasing a boiler system scared me though. I had just invested in a new facility, I really didn’t have the money for a new heating system. I also worried about the social climate changing and being stuck with a lot of debt. Thankfully there are industrial boiler rentals in my area. Renting a boiler system has been one of the smartest things I have ever done. A boiler rental obviously isn’t as much as purchasing a new system. Also, renting a boiler means I don’t need to deal with the upkeep. If the system makes noises, doesn’t turn on or is operating at a less than efficient manner, I can call the commercial boiler rental business and have them fix it. It really has been a good thing for my business.


water cooled chiller