No more huge issues with my HVAC system

I recently had to have the fan motor replaced in my HVAC system.

  • I’ll be honest, I wasn’t taking good care of the HVAC.

I wasn’t changing the air filters on time and I didn’t even clean the outdoor A/C compressor unit. This caused my HVAC system to work under a lot of stress. The fan motor has to work under a lot of stress as it is, so if you forgo the essential HVAC system maintenance, this will have some serious impacts on your HVAC system. It’s pretty costly to have replaced, so you might want to pay careful attention to your HVAC system maintenance if you don’t want to end up in a situation like mine. In general, these fan motors will last a good 10 to 15 years. If you are careless with your HVAC maintenance though like I was, they might only last up to three years at the most. Trust me, having regular maintenance performed on your HVAC system is necessary. It will save you big on your energy bills, keep you comfortable in your home, and make it so you don’t have to deal with any costly repairs. This is why I have been telling everybody about keeping on top of their regular HVAC system maintenance, because they don’t want to have to empty their savings account like I did to have my fan motor replaced. I learned that when you schedule regular cleaning and greasing of your fan motor, your HVAC will last much longer. This is why I decided to enroll in a good HVAC service plan that covers all regular maintenance.

HEPA filter